Wednesday, November 18, 2009

back in the saddle...or, stirrups, again

This is the time of year where you feel like you blink twice, and pow! It's Christmas. At least for me.

Which means that, after our few months on Baby Break, it's time to get back in the stirrups again. Literally. I called today to make appointments for the bloodwork I need to apply for the "pay for two, get one" program at my clinic. Naturally, some of my previous tests are now too old, so I get to do some Extra Fun Stirrup Time - looking forward to that, as you can tell. I think my hoo-ha has been lulled into a false sense of security from the lack of Hoo-Ha Wanding appointments in the last few months; I feel like I should buy it dinner to break the bad news.

"We have to talk."

"What? Things are going fine! I'm fine! What are you talking about?"

"Remember last spring, when we kept going in for those appointments, the kind with..."

"THE WAND? AGAIN? I knew this detante was too good to last. Pass me the wine."

Apart from the rather disturbing imagery there, I'm really looking forward to getting started again. Lupron? Bring it on. Injections? No problem. Menopur? IT'S ON.

Here we go, people.


  1. Good luck with this one! I'm very excited for you, and thrilled that you're getting going again.

  2. This post made me laugh. I love the idea of breaking the news over wine. :-)

  3. Ah the good old wand. A friend to all. Good luck! I would try the wine and maybe flowers.

  4. I love this post and I so get it. I'm not even getting my pap this year because I just can't stand the thought of putting my poor business on display even ONE-MORE-TIME!!!

  5. Haha! At least it's not greeting it like an old friend! :)

  6. Hahahaha, too funny. I'm at the point right now when my Hoo-Haa sees more of that particular wand than the husband variety. Sad. But true.

  7. LOL! I am thrilled for you! Please keep us posted on all the Wanda visits!

  8. Great attitude! The break must have done you well. My forced break was over recently too and all I can do is worry. I hope I can be inspired by this post!

  9. Woot! I'm excited for you and your hoo hah that things are getting started again.

  10. I will be thinking of you -- please keep us all updated!
